
Qualcomm: 'nieuwe wearables-chips bieden 50 procent langere batterijduur'

Qualcomm Wear 4100 Plus header image

Yous may not have noticed, merely smartwatches are finally becoming commonplace. The question being asked has shifted from "Should I get a smartwatch?" to "Which smartwatch should I get?". Devices similar the Apple tree Watch accept made a wearable calculator a luxury item and luxury watch companies are now making habiliment computers. In fact, it's get hard to find a lookout man company thatdoesn't now make a smartwatch.

The problem that persists though, is that, with the exception of a couple of companies, smartwatches are however a flake slow, and have less than stellar battery life. Google's Wear Os but hasn't been given the R&D resources information technology deserves, and Apple is one of the only companies that makes yearly improvements to its sentry processor, so at that place hasn't been a ton of incentive to brand smartwatches that much better. Qualcomm improved performance with the Snapdragon Wear 3100 in 2018, but the battery life on most watches has remained subpar.

Likewise read: The best Wear Os smartwatches you can purchase

But this year, Qualcomm is looking to tackle many of the problems smartwatches face with the new Wear 4100 and Wear 4100 chips. Hither'southward what's new.

A big little dice shrink

Qualcomm Wear 4100 series improvements speed boosts

The umbrella encompassing virtually of the improvements in the Wearable 4100 series is a massive process shrink. While the Wear 3100 series was based on a 28nm process, the 4100 series moves direct to a 12nm procedure. This results in multiple improvements, including a big speed crash-land and improved battery life.

The CPU on the Wear 4100 has moved from the Cortex A7 to the Cortex A53. While nonetheless quad-core, the clock speed has been massively improved, up to 1.7GHz from 1.1GHz. Qualcomm says this results in 85% better functioning, which should brand watches feel much snappier. RAM on the bit also gets an 85% speed boost, now running at 750MHz, upwardly from 400MHz on the Wear 3100. Finally, the GPU is upgraded to the Adreno A504 from the Adreno 304, which offers a two.5x performance boost.

Qualcomm Wear 4100 series improvements

The co-processor is one of its most important features. Qualcomm says smartwatches spend 95% of their lifetimes in ambient fashion, with only 5% dedicated to active processing. Considering of this, the co-processor needs to be effective at ambiently displaying information in a low-power state.

Qualcomm shifted a lot of lower-powered activities like step counting, alarms, and haptics to its QCC1110 co-processor, which will sip power compared to the main processor. Because many of the interactions we have with smartwatches are based around these features, the chip can save a lot of power.

Many depression-power functions are moving to the co-processor.

This is important for people who utilise their smartwatches for sleep tracking. If you lot need to charge your watch every night, yous won't be able to employ it for these features. With a lot of features beingness moved to the co-processor to operate in a depression-energy land, this should enable plenty battery life to use features like sleep tracking.

Qualcomm Wear 4100 Co Processor features

The co-processor has been enhanced in other means, similar an improved xvi-flake color range, which can now display up to 64,000 unique tones up from just 16 on the Wear 3100 series. This enables the ambient style to show more expressive features. An ambience bombardment indicator will likewise assistance you know when you demand to charge your lookout man.

Habiliment 4100 vs 4100 Plus: What'due south the difference?

Qualcomm Wear 4100 versus Plus

The biggest difference between the 4100 and 4100 Plus platforms is the presence of the co-processor. Customers who opt for the 4100 volition withal see the performance benefits from the dice compress and components improvements, but the lack of a co-processor will make ambient mode less than platonic.

The 4100 will probably exist priced a decent amount less than the 4100 Plus, just considering the improvements the co-processor brings, information technology'due south likely most ODMs volition achieve for the 4100 Plus more than often than non. Qualcomm says customers may choose the 4100 over the 4100 Plus if they are making simpler watches for kids or seniors, or if they want to use their ain co-processor.

When will nosotros kickoff seeing devices?

Mobvoi TicWatch Pro 3 stock image

Then far, ii ODMs have committed to using Qualcomm's new platform. Mobvoi will it for a new TicWatch, the TicWatch Pro iii, and Xiaotiancai, a BBK brand, will use the platform for a new kids smartwatch which takes advantage of the new second Internet access provider to offer two cameras. The new TicWatch will be launching by the end of the year, and the Xiaotiancai Z6 will release within 30 days.


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